Published 6th of October 2022 by Nina

Better Business and B-Corp Research Report Reinforces for Business Leaders Why Having "Purpose" is High Impact

The Better Business Act campaign and B Lab UK have just issued a report with findings that point to yet another very strong reason to ensure that ‘purpose’ is at the heart of a #business.

According to the research, #bcorp certified firms and other “#purpose-led” businesses are more confident than others that they can effectively weather the storm, face the challenges of economic headwinds and remain financially fit in the coming months.

“Of the purpose-led businesses, 60% were found to be confident in their ability to grow through to early 2023. The proportion stood at 44% for non-purpose-led #organisations.”

The report makes for powerful reading for all business #leadership.

How might you create more purpose in your organisation and not only imbue in #employees a greater will to deliver but also bolster your business with greater #resilience?

#betterbusiness #sustainability


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