Published 15th of November 2022 by Nina

Capgemini Research Institute's New Survey Illuminates One of the Greatest Hurdles to Sustainability Transition: Business Leaders' Belief

Research just published by Capgemini illuminates what seems to be perhaps the greatest hurdle standing in the way of companies’ #sustainability transitions: business #leadership’s belief that it’s worthwhile to undertake the shift!

At the epicentre of Capgemini Research Institute’s findings is that only one fifth of those executives surveyed, which included 2,000+ senior decision-makers in over 600 large businesses, believe that there is a clear #business case for improving sustainability, with “53% [saying] the cost of sustainability initiatives always outweighs the benefits.”

What’s fascinating about the publication is that in parallel with their survey, Capgemini analysed the actual performance of what they call ‘sustainability frontrunners.’ Their #research showed these frontrunners achieved “a net profit margin 9% higher than peers” and “83% higher revenue, on a per-#employee basis, than average.”

That would suggest there is a clear business case for not only #sustainable #development but also, perhaps for #regenerative development.

Yet, four fifths of those #board members and senior executive surveyed by Capgemini still don’t see it. And this begs the questions both of “why?” and, too, “what to do about it?”

#future #betterbusiness


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