Celebrating Earth Day: What Difference Do You Want to Make?
April 22 1970, the inaugural #EarthDay, saw millions of Americans marching to have their voices heard, concerned about the #future of our planet.
Today, April 22 2024, a half century later, marks the 54th Earth Day. Now an event that is on an #international scale and with voices heard from all points on the #planet, it calls for us to take a pause, consider our #world, its #natural #beauty, our influences on the #environment.
It also calls on us to consider the role we can play -- individually and collectively – to recognise The Possibility we have to promote positive change and create a better, #sustainable #future and make positive impact.
As primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall stated, “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Celebrating Earth Day 2024.
#leadership #sustainabledevelopment #business #sustainability
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