Published 9th of August 2022 by Nina

CMA Takes Bold Stance: Investigates 'Green' Claims of UK Fast Fashion Companies

Great to see the bold stance taken by the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)’s Interim Chief Executive Sarah Cardell earlier today, announcing that the regulator will be investigating ASOS, Boohoo and ASDA over claims about the #sustainability of their #fashion products.

The CMA is not underestimating the balancing act they will have to perform in ensuring that positive progress in #sustainabledevelopment is encouraged while also holding to account these companies (and others!) in their ‘#green’ claims.

“People who want to ‘buy green’ should be able to do so confident that they aren’t being misled. #Ecofriendly and #sustainable products can play a role in tackling #climate change, but only if they are genuine,” said Cardell.

Bravissimo to the #leadership of Cardell and the CMA team in playing an active part in driving #systemchange.

What more can you do, in your role or in your walk of life to be an agent of change, and create a better #future?


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