Global WTW Study Finds Increase in Large Corporations Using ESG Metrics in Executive Rewards Schemes
According to a new report released over the last 24 hours by global advisory company WTW (Willis Towers Watson), 77% of large, public corporates across North America and Europe are now using at least one #ESG metric in their incentive plans.
That’s good news, up from 69% last year overall.
Perhaps most strikingly positive is the figure for #Europe/#UK companies assessed: a marked 91% are now using ESG metrics for incentive plans.
It is true that the range is vast across the 885 public companies surveyed in terms of the “meaningfulness” of the quality of the metrics input into the #incentives. It is also fair to say that having one #environmental or #DEI metric may not be entirely stretching.
This said, there is still cause for celebration. Momentum is building. Companies are recognising their impact. #Business #leadership is recognising the role it can play to create change.
American inventor and businessman Thomas A. Edison once penned “Discontent is the first necessity of #progress.”
As the new year unfolds, it may be useful to consider Edison’s reflections and ask “What more can I do with my 2023 to positively leverage my discontent, and be part of the solution to create a better, #sustainable #future for us all?
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