Published 17th of August 2021 by Nina

Manchester's Bid to become Carbon Neutral by 2038

The city of #Manchester pledged to become #carbonneutral by 2038, more than a decade earlier than the UK overall target date of 2050.  Achieving the ambitious goal requires not only innovative thinking but also bold action leveraging new #technology.
An application has just been filed with Trafford County for development of Manchester’s first #hydrogen fuel hub. At the onset, the facility will have a 10MW capacity. However, there are scale up plans also submitted with the application for 200MW capacity, which would make it the UK’s largest hydrogen fuel production facility, Carlton Power's Trafford Green Hydrogen has said.
Notably important about this hub is that it will produce #greenhydrogen
- Green hydrogen is made using electricity generated from renewables (eg #solar, wind, etc), instead of fossil fuels. 
- As opposed to other hydrogen (blue, grey, etc) its by-products are only water, and thus it is the gold standard for hydrogen in the #cleanenergy sector. 
- However, right now, green hydrogen currently comprises only c. 1% of overall hydrogen production. 
CARLTON POWER LIMITED has confirmed it is hoping to build up to 10 further low-carbon hydrogen facilities across the UK within the next five years. A bold ambition, perhaps. But as the adage says, fortune favours the bold.


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