Published 26th of January 2023 by Nina

Partnering with Business: The Positive Role that The Competition & Markets Authority Can Play in Supporting Collaboration to Build toward Net Zero

“Given the scale of the challenge to address environmental #sustainability and particularly #climate change concerns…we [The Competition and Markets Authority] think it is important that firms are not unnecessarily or erroneously put off collaborating in this space by fears about #competition law compliance…. because industry #collaboration is likely to play an essential role in delivering #netzero ambition.”

It’s refreshing to see these high impact and progressive remarks coming from The Competition and Markets Authority Chief Executive Sarah Cardell at the Scottish Competition Forum on 24 January.

The CMA, the #UK #Government’s competition watchdog, can be seen as a barrier to #innovation and Ms. Cardell’s comments may be met by some, at least on first blush, with a bit of suspicion.

Yet she didn’t stop with the words above! Ms. Cardell went on to say that (albeit without disclosing full details of the CMA’s proposals) that #climatechange and mitigation and adaptation could fall under the ‘fair share’ exemption to antitrust rules.

This is a sea change, and shows the CMA as a real partner to #business leaders who are committed to creating a better, #sustainable #future.

“Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds,” so said Scottish-born inventor, scientist and engineer Alexander Graham Bell.

Celebrating ambition. Celebrating innovative thinking. Celebrating #collaboration.

#betterbusiness #leadership


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