Published 4th of August 2023 by Nina

Shifting Away from 'Total Rewards' to 'Systemic Rewards'

The Josh Bersin Company's Kathi Enderes’ thought piece on ‘total rewards’ in Personnel Today makes for interesting read. She puts forward the idea that the concept is outdated, and that a shift in thinking to ‘#systemic rewards’ is called for.

The view is that in the dynamic work #environment we find ourselves, with employees thinking outside the conventional, the approach to #rewards should be broadened.

Mirroring, in a way, the broader sense that employees, themselves have about what matters-- i.e. considering not only compensation and benefits in the classic sense but also well being, including health, work-life balance, learning and development, etc—#business #leadership would do well, as Enderes puts forward, to pivot to a ‘systemic rewards’ basis.

What are your thoughts?

#betterbusiness #businessleadership


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