Published 5th of February 2023 by Nina

So Far So Good: Europe's Leaders Currently Holding their Resolve and Steering Clear of Long Term Gas Deals

According to two notable US #energy executives quoted in today’s Financial Times piquant piece by Justin Jacobs, European buyers have, thus far, held their resolve and steered clear of 20-year gas deals, underscoring #EU commitment to be #netzero by 2050.

This is cause for some celebration in many quarters, although as is pointed out by the article, #Europe has faced a relatively mild winter this year, which doesn’t fully challenge the position taken.

One of the #business executives in Jacob’s piece was quoted as saying “I heard someone say ‘give them [the Europeans] one winter freezing their asses off in the dark, and they’ll think better of natural gas’ and I think that will be the case.”

Is that just old style #oilandgas industry talk, filled with bravado, meant to make oneself feel better in the face of tough times ahead? Or is there something to the assertion?

Only time will tell whether the steely resolve from government, business and civic #leadership are realised.

What do you think?


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